“Turning 25” – Confessions of a Quarter Life crisis

Being a 20 something person these days can be really overwhelming to say the least. You are navigating the anxieties of a post-grad life as an “adult” (whatever that means). Sorting through the ups & downs of life & dating, trying to hold onto your friendships with your friends who may be in different stages of their life, & last but not the least – hunting your dream career which can make you rich in 1 day (wink wink). Oh I am sorry, almost forgot.. not to mention comparing yourself to all your Facebook friends who look like they have it all figured out, even though – let’s be honest they don’t know what they are doing  either.

Well, this year I turned 25 YEARS OLD! You might be wondering why that has to be in bold or what’s in there to read about. Oh my friends, you are in for a treat. One would think 25 is nothing different from any other year. FALSE ALARM!!!!
The moment September 02nd hit, so did my quarter life crisis. After all, 25 is half of 50 & honestly I had to take a moment to reflect on this.

 It was a few days before my birthday that I was watching a chick flick (did I tell you I am a movie buff) & this word made itself official in front of my eyes – “Quarter life crisis.” A lot of theories and studies have been done about this and trust me I am not interested in any of them either. However, I have found the following list to be true at this point in my life.

 Dig in & you might see a reflection of you, in it as well ;-)

  1. I will never wake up an hour early to enjoy my morning. If I have work at 8am, I get up with just enough time to make it if I hurry.
  2. You start to realize that mom might have been right about a few things.
  3. Sometimes an ugly cry is just necessary. It’s like recharging yourself.
  4. Breakouts & Breakups -- still feel like the end of the world.*      
  5. Losing weight isn’t as easy, and it's only going to get worse.(I vouch for it)
  6. The bad boy thing is no longer so appealing.
  7. Nights of staying up until 2 am to be somewhere at 8 am no longer happen.
  8. Even though your phone keeps you in touch via Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter, sometimes it’s nice to “forget it at home."
  9. If you haven’t shaved your legs ladies... SKINNY jeans.
  10. The real world is not quite as cool as people made it sound.
  11. You have learned that “once a cheater always a cheater" is true.
  12. A wild night now is staying up only until midnight.
  13. You’re really starting to figure out the whole "how to manage your money" thing.
  14. Your favorite movie changes from “American Pie” to “The Notebook"
  15. You’ve learned that your own version of being a 20-something is just right for you.

Guess what, you are not alone! Nobody is actually! Everybody is desperate to hold onto the youth you feel slipping through your fingers, yet everyone wants nothing more than the fabled stability adulthood brings. It’s a gut wrenching feeling of fear, uncertainty & an overwhelming desire for everything to just “be okay”, even though nobody knows what that means yet.

You have friends who are single, who have just entered relationships, who are married, who are divorced, who have kids and who don’t have kids. Sometimes you do feel like questioning yourself, “where is my life going.” The fight between the rebel in you and the responsible version of you will never end.

In general, happiness starts to decrease after a while and you find yourself in a bubble yet again as you did when you hit puberty. Take a moment & relax! Its ohkay to not achieve few goals in life, its ohkay to not have been able to meet the targets once in a while, it’s absolutely ohkay to not get married just because your clock is ticking. It is actually ohkay to not agree to a lot of things and take pride in all the things that you have done and achieved till now. In order to be a better version of you, compare yourself to an old version of yourself and not to some Facebook posts of your random friends who might not even shed 2 tears on your death bed.

Reflect and feel proud about everything you have done so far. Like I always say – “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”

Love life, love yourself… :-)


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