Taboo Sex (7 Taboo Acts People Love)

Taboo Sex (7 Taboo Acts People Love) by Sonali Rawat When we think of the word taboo, the first thing that pops into our head is something disgusting. The thing is, taboo sex acts are considered outside of the norm. However, they’re perfectly normal. We all have different things that we like in life. While one person may prefer to vacation in the mountains, another would rather go to the beach. People are like this with their sex lives, too. When you think of it like that, sex acts that are considered taboo are actually quite normal. They’re simply a preference. Taboo Sex Acts This seems to refer to anything that falls outside of standard penetration and oral sex. For years, these were shamed. A person couldn’t express their sexual desire without people calling them weird. Traditional stereotypes of men being unbelievably horny at all times and those women should not want sex was the norm. Today, all of that has changed. While some people...