Women Cheat! Does this apply to you?

After a lot of views and on my reader’s demand, I dare to speak on this topic. Aaaahhhh…. Women..!!!! The most beautiful yet complicated creation of god. As I said earlier cheating has nothing to do with the gender however, situations may vary for a MAN and a WOMAN. As far as stereotypes go, a wandering eye and the urge to jump into bed with multiple partners seems to be built into a man's DNA, but when it comes to cheating, the sexes are created more equally than we think. (Cough, my girlfriends, cough.) I guess it comes down to the fact that we humans were never biologically designed to be monogamous. Our heroines did it in Unfaithful, American Beauty & Sex and the City. And they’re not the only ones. Although women haven’t surpassed men on the cheating scale, more married and committed women than ever before are jumping in the sack with someone other than their partners. I read somewhere that according to a survey done in 2012, 99% of t...